hola!!!! good day to all!!! hehe. im much more better now thanks to the miracles of that anger really makes me look 2 days older..:P now i must laugh more to make me look young again..haha!!
yea yesterday is my last day for FYP BUT i have to go back to NYP dis Tuesday cos dat asshole of a manager is apparently not happy with our presentation...have to call Farhan to show his part on tuesday coz i screwed up yesterday trying to do juz dat...haiz...oh well.. lets not talk bout dat more things to talk about...:D im posted to HEG Singapore Pte Ltd for my IAP...its at Shenton Way Temasek gonna take the train ALONE for the next 3 months... sad rite...but nevermind...i can survive alone... yea yea!!!
its pictures time!!!! woohoo!!!! these are the people in my lab,doing FYP with me and entertaining me for the past 3 months...

this is my messy place for the past 3 months...:D

this is my project partner,farhan. haha!!

this is my other two project mates,samuel & soon hai.

this is tricia,my sit-by-the-pond-have-lunch partner. :D

these people are my partners in crime, amy, isabelle, furlynn, sunny & weilun....

...and these are the people who listens to my craps and nonsense everyday,mainly Xavier aka abang, noenoe and jackvic...

they are the only ones from IT0417, sunny,tricia & joey...

...and brother chee who's lab is in blk s... gonna miss his stomach...:D
and of cos not forgetting june,the guardian of the door...haha!!! like amy said, i need a pic with u too!!!! i was soo stressed with last minute work yesterday dat i totally forgot to take pictures with u...sorry time muz take okie?? and thank u sooo much for ur cute gift...i lurrvveee the chocs..its sooo yummy yum yum!!! :D
okie dats all...shall put more pics next time okie?? T.T.F.N!!!
yea yesterday is my last day for FYP BUT i have to go back to NYP dis Tuesday cos dat asshole of a manager is apparently not happy with our presentation...have to call Farhan to show his part on tuesday coz i screwed up yesterday trying to do juz dat...haiz...oh well.. lets not talk bout dat more things to talk about...:D im posted to HEG Singapore Pte Ltd for my IAP...its at Shenton Way Temasek gonna take the train ALONE for the next 3 months... sad rite...but nevermind...i can survive alone... yea yea!!!
its pictures time!!!! woohoo!!!! these are the people in my lab,doing FYP with me and entertaining me for the past 3 months...

this is my messy place for the past 3 months...:D

this is my project partner,farhan. haha!!

this is my other two project mates,samuel & soon hai.

this is tricia,my sit-by-the-pond-have-lunch partner. :D

these people are my partners in crime, amy, isabelle, furlynn, sunny & weilun....

...and these are the people who listens to my craps and nonsense everyday,mainly Xavier aka abang, noenoe and jackvic...

they are the only ones from IT0417, sunny,tricia & joey...

...and brother chee who's lab is in blk s... gonna miss his stomach...:D
and of cos not forgetting june,the guardian of the door...haha!!! like amy said, i need a pic with u too!!!! i was soo stressed with last minute work yesterday dat i totally forgot to take pictures with u...sorry time muz take okie?? and thank u sooo much for ur cute gift...i lurrvveee the chocs..its sooo yummy yum yum!!! :D
okie dats all...shall put more pics next time okie?? T.T.F.N!!!