hey ya!!!! hehe!!! i noe its kinda weird of me blogging so early in the morning... but people just keep disturbing my beauty sleep...damn those people... so here i am with nothing else to do except to update this blog... =0 okok here's a quick one...
Sunday 3 September 2006
went to East Coast with mama, her bf and her cuzzies... all i can say is FUN FUN FUN!!!

at the end of the day i looked like a maid with my messy hair and oily face... =)
the kids were even cuter...5 minutes into the journey of going home in the cab, all 3 of them fell asleep... the girl on my right side, the big boy on my left and the baby on my lap... yes... all fell asleep on ME, the maid... hahahhaha!!! cute laa they all...
Tuesday 5 September 2006
went shopping with tricia... another FUN FUN FUN day!!!! haha!! we walked around, talked alot and not forgetting laugh alot too... hehe!!! watched The Devil Wears Prada... nice movie but quite sad... tricia & I cried a bit...hahahaha!!!
oh!!! while walking i saw many people... like i met my old neighbour whom i've never seen for about 6 years... then i saw one of my secondary school mate... and then we saw SUNNY!!!! hehe!! okie 3 is not many... its just a few... =P
Wednesday 6 September 2006
went to CANDY EMPIRE!!!! haha!!! before i tell u bout this place, let me warn u something: if u wanna go to this place, never ever bring along ur little siblings, cousins or anybody below the age of 10... i repeat NEVER EVER bring little children along... u will go bankrupt...
okie so my mama is jealous after reading about that candy empire in sheryl's blog... she drag me to find that candy empire... and finally founded it after walking 1 BIG round... haha!!! yea... candy heaven down there... candy, chocs and many2 more... all sorts of candy that u wont get to see in normal shops...
so i ended up buying jelly beans, a frog shaped chocolate, 2 lizard shaped candy and a sour zombie candy... haha!!! there goes my diet plan... ish...
so there... happy events for the past few days... BUT... when theres a happy event there will also be an unhappy event... haiz... dun wanna say bout it laa... i had enough tears wasted oredy...
k dats all folks!! see u when i see u again...
Sunday 3 September 2006
went to East Coast with mama, her bf and her cuzzies... all i can say is FUN FUN FUN!!!

at the end of the day i looked like a maid with my messy hair and oily face... =)
the kids were even cuter...5 minutes into the journey of going home in the cab, all 3 of them fell asleep... the girl on my right side, the big boy on my left and the baby on my lap... yes... all fell asleep on ME, the maid... hahahhaha!!! cute laa they all...
Tuesday 5 September 2006
went shopping with tricia... another FUN FUN FUN day!!!! haha!! we walked around, talked alot and not forgetting laugh alot too... hehe!!! watched The Devil Wears Prada... nice movie but quite sad... tricia & I cried a bit...hahahaha!!!
oh!!! while walking i saw many people... like i met my old neighbour whom i've never seen for about 6 years... then i saw one of my secondary school mate... and then we saw SUNNY!!!! hehe!! okie 3 is not many... its just a few... =P
Wednesday 6 September 2006
went to CANDY EMPIRE!!!! haha!!! before i tell u bout this place, let me warn u something: if u wanna go to this place, never ever bring along ur little siblings, cousins or anybody below the age of 10... i repeat NEVER EVER bring little children along... u will go bankrupt...
okie so my mama is jealous after reading about that candy empire in sheryl's blog... she drag me to find that candy empire... and finally founded it after walking 1 BIG round... haha!!! yea... candy heaven down there... candy, chocs and many2 more... all sorts of candy that u wont get to see in normal shops...
so i ended up buying jelly beans, a frog shaped chocolate, 2 lizard shaped candy and a sour zombie candy... haha!!! there goes my diet plan... ish...
so there... happy events for the past few days... BUT... when theres a happy event there will also be an unhappy event... haiz... dun wanna say bout it laa... i had enough tears wasted oredy...
k dats all folks!! see u when i see u again...