bored laa....
im baaaaccckkk....!!! hehe!!! woke up at 2.30pm just now... =) i guess i will be doin this until i get a job... wah... like that can grow fat sia... i don't want to become like slut a.k.a bulan u know...muahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahaha!!!!
amy and me outside lab s443... our "favorite lab".. just imagine we got about 7 modules and almost all of it have lab sessions in this huh...

was reading my previous posts... i realised that i got really damn scared whenever i came back home at 3 am... note that it was not everyday that i came back that late... now times have changed... note only i came back at 3 am almost everyday, regardless i have school or not the next day,there were times i even came back at 7 am... hahahahhaha!!!
tsk..tsk... ima.. ima... how daring can u be now hah...=) okie its pictures time again...!!!! this time pics taken in school... enjoy!!!!
amy and me outside lab s443... our "favorite lab".. just imagine we got about 7 modules and almost all of it have lab sessions in this huh...

this is taken during comm skills presentation and sheila just pierced her tongue...
was supposed to study cos the next day got exam but i got bored... so disturb people ard me, mainly sunny, sebastian, brother chee ming and amy...=)
was supposed to study cos the next day got exam but i got bored... so disturb people ard me, mainly sunny, sebastian, brother chee ming and amy...=)

went to the stadium to watch the 1st leg finals between singapore and thailand with my fren.. then realised that sheila had told me earlier that she got no fren to sit with so called her and we watched together... my fren was too engrossed in the game to talk to me... so the both of us entertained each other...=)

taken during year 1..... those were the days.....
hehe!! so i really got nothing better to pics... okie i think got to go now... gonna meet my mama... T.T.F.N!!!!