Disney Pixars presents Disney On Ice "Finding Nemo"...
yea... im back slacking at home... bored laa dey... this is not cool at all you know... if i go out i'll be spending my 10 days worth of hard earned money... if i stay at home i'll become crazy cos its freaking boring... wanna work but dunno work as what... haiz...

and this is me, posing with Juan's sunglasses... haha!!! its freaking hot during the day so he will wear this glasses while working... cool huh...
i fell in love with this Bruce baseball cap even though i hate to wear caps and hats... but i got no choice cos its freaking hot and i had to stand in the middle of hotness trying to sell colouring books... so i just took the cap and wear it until the sun sets... yea... i wore it THE WHOLE DAY... amazing... and i wore it for the rest of the week too u know... haha!!! i almost wanted to buy that cap but i thought if i buy i wont wear it again so i cancel my plan of buying it... and bought...
Peach the squid!!!!! many people say its ugly but i find it cute... its like i must buy something before this show wraps up cos u wont get the toys anywhere else... haha!! never mind that it cost $13 after discount... usual price is $16... yea the toys there are expensive but it didn't stop those parents from buying it for their kids... rich people mah... hehe...
and this is the nemo face that i have been imitating the whole of 10 days and it irritates the shits of my cousin and other people accept for Alex... he said that i did a great job imitating that nemo face... =p
anyways, what did i do for my march holidays??? I WORKED AT DISNEY ON ICE "FINDING NEMO"!!!! hehe!!! even though the show's abit boring i still enjoyed myself working with the people i've known since 3 years ago... they are a bunch of cool people laa.. =) okie let the pics do the talking now....
this is Juan. i work with him throughout the 10 days, manning a toy booth but the booth was outside the stadium so i had to be under the sun almost 7 hours everyday... luckily i didn't have uneven tans on my body...hehe!!! anyways i was damn happy when my cousin told me that he's working this year cos i worked with him once in 2004 during the Winnie the Pooh show... he's one funny fellow... cool guy to work with.. and not forgetting his good looks... haha!!! isn't he cute....=p028.jpg)
this is alex, in charge of popcorns... he's the only guy who entertained me and called me nemo when i did a nemo face... haha!!! everytime when he comes over to my cousin's food booth he will called out to me "hey nemo!!" funny....

this is Jose, in charge of the nemo mugs... i thought he was one weird and quiet fellow cos during the 1st two days working he didn't make any eye contact with me and my cousin... he just look down and concentrate on his job... but after i made my nemo face and say "pleasure doing business with you" everytime he collects money for his mugs then he started talking and jokes with us... and i tell you he's one funny fella as well... crazy too i must say... haha!!
this is Butch. he's in charge of the toys booth inside the stadium... he reminds me of Brother Chee cos i like touching his heeeyyyuuggee stomach... haha!!! he looks sick cos he bumped his knee on something on the 2nd day of work and it hasn't recovered since... poor him...
this is David, in charge of toys booth at the VIP area... his booth is located downstairs while my booth is upstairs... everytime he came up to look for Juan, he will be downstairs in the office... so his travel to my booth is always wasted cos he didn't get to see Juan.... =) and he's another cute fella i must say... haha!!!
and this is Matt, the manager in charge of money for the food tables... i like to disturb him by tapping on his stomach and he will try by all means to tickle me back... haha!!! another cute guy... =p
and this is me, posing with Juan's sunglasses... haha!!! its freaking hot during the day so he will wear this glasses while working... cool huh...
i fell in love with this Bruce baseball cap even though i hate to wear caps and hats... but i got no choice cos its freaking hot and i had to stand in the middle of hotness trying to sell colouring books... so i just took the cap and wear it until the sun sets... yea... i wore it THE WHOLE DAY... amazing... and i wore it for the rest of the week too u know... haha!!! i almost wanted to buy that cap but i thought if i buy i wont wear it again so i cancel my plan of buying it... and bought...
Peach the squid!!!!! many people say its ugly but i find it cute... its like i must buy something before this show wraps up cos u wont get the toys anywhere else... haha!! never mind that it cost $13 after discount... usual price is $16... yea the toys there are expensive but it didn't stop those parents from buying it for their kids... rich people mah... hehe...
and this is the nemo face that i have been imitating the whole of 10 days and it irritates the shits of my cousin and other people accept for Alex... he said that i did a great job imitating that nemo face... =p
okie done... hope u had fun oogling at those cute guys... well, i had fun working with them... haha!!! okie gonna think what i gonna do now... see u when i see u... take care peeps... love u all!!