Changi Airport..... :D

my honey accompanied me to the Changi Airport last sunday...!!!! the purpose of the trip?? to satisfy my cravings for Burger King... muahahahahahhahahahaha!!!!
why Changi Airport u ask??? well... its just one of my insane ideas... i was bored and hungry and honey was bored and stressed... thus the trip to Changi airport... :D
we walked around the whole of T2... from 1 end to the other and then took the skytrain to T1 and walked around T1 from one end to the other as well... and then took the skytrain back to T2 to take the train back home... then we stopped by tampines and walked around tamp mall and then we headed home... hahahhahaa!!!! okie shall let the pichas pichas do the talking ya... :)
our meal for the day, mushroom swiss for me and BK fish for honey :)

walking around Changi Airport.... muahahahahahah!!!!!

my honey a.k.a ABDUL RASYID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (n_n)
oh and i found out that the candy shops there sell the candies that we usually eat in large packets that looks like those refillable liquid soap packs... its damn cool man...!!!!! :)

at the end of the day, both of us are damn tired... so we make ourselves comfortably at home in the train while waiting to be sent to the real home... :)
okie done!!!!!