okie so its been 14 days since new year... so fast laa time flies... ish... anyways i've been busy these past 14 days.... busy with the preparation of beloved cousin's engagement (busy like as if i'm the one getting engaged =P), busy with this and busy with that... hahahaha!!!
okok back to the engagement story... so i was appointed to be her make-up artist/betrothal gifts designer/assistant/photographer/guest entertainer/baby-sitter/food packer/and everything else for the day....super busy laa me... but the event was super best!!! especially when we get some of her treasures... wahahahahhaa!!! okie i shall let the pixies tell the rest of the story...
trying to get some ideas for the gifts... too tempting laa... thats why no idea...
after 2 days worth of brainstorming... this is for the guys side by the way...

the princess for the day.... miss Surina...
the people responsible for her hair and makeup... haha!!
these are the gifts from the guy's side... i almost wanted to roll on the floor and laugh when i saw that they gave her a copy of the Qur'an as one of the gifts... cute laa... ahaha!!! and notice the lollypops??? within 1 hour all of them was gone... the kids make a pityful face and ask for one... mind you, there are at least 10 kids, including me... :D

the white shirt is my niece, the one i baby sit the whole day... the pink one, my youngest cousin... cute rite the both of them... :D

the chocolate cake from the guy's side that me and rasyid honey been waiting for almost 10 hours... and like honey said "its deliciously sinful..." i had 2 servings you know... :D

the treasure loot that we got.... yummy!!!!

by the end of the day, i was too shagged that i went home witout changing and without pants... hahahaha!!! kidding laa... got shorts inside... im not that crazy... :D oh thats my fellow capricorns cuzzie, hafiz darling... heehee!!
come to think of it, this is just the engagement and i'm already super busy and super tired... i think if she were to get married i think by the end of the day i won't even have the energy to go home... :D but its a sad thing that we didn't take pictures of the cousins all... too busy i guess...
okie laa thats all i guess... see you when i see you...