bliss and tired and happy and sleepy....
i shall type in point form since i got lots to say... but before that i just wanna tell u people, I LOVE U GUYS NO MATTER WHAT AND I AM HAPPY!!!!!!! haha... siao... kk here goes...

1) i am a very lucky girl cos i get to see what others don't get to see... not one not two but THREE different characters... haha!!! no worries darling snorlax, i'm not angry after all that i have witnessed on saturday morning.... :D :D
2) everything happens for a reason... especially when i do something... there's always a reason why did what i did... but people seem to not understand that... they did not use their brain to think... instead they blame me for something wrong that obviously wasn't my fault at all... damn those assholes...
3) i choose to ignore confusing issues, upsetting moments and stuffs that make me angry... why?? cos i just can't be bothered to entertain imbecile creatures... let them do what they want cos, after all, they ARE imbecile creatures and they are not worth my time at all... and i'm so OVER with u imbeciles... :P
4) i realised that at 21, my body functions are getting more sensitive... i can't eat too much or my stomach will be in pain the next day... i can't stand crowded places cos it makes me nervous and in the end give me a headache.... i will lose my appetite if i don't get enough sleep... yup... i'm getting old... but on the inside only... on the outside i still look like i'm 18... hahahaha!!!
5) i want but can't have it.... i feel like i'm not up to it yet... and also.... got no time laa... rather spend time doing things that i like... :P
6) and finally i got to meet TRICIA DARLING!!!!! hehe... she busy woman.... forever busy... but we had a good time... thanks darla... love u loads.... :D
okie done!!! i am desperate to get a good sleep... but unfortunately, luck is not on my side on this issue... so... yea.... oh by the way, the statements in bold earlier is 95% true... please believe me okie??? accept for the imbecile creatures, its up to u whether u wanna believe it or not....
*total bliss*