the make over....
me: having a mat as a boyfriend will definitely make all your hair drop off.
tricia: that's why i needed the hair extension!!!
me: -_-
oh yea...!!! yesterday was a blissful day for tricia darl and also an enjoyable day for me!!! tricia decided to spend her money yesterday but not on clothes and such... she decided to do a makeover.. well not really the photo shoot kind... she decided to do manicure and nail art, eyebrow trimming, eyelash and hair extension!!! and i got the honour of being her spectator and commentator as well as her decision maker, paying for her after doing her nails (her money of course. help her take out money from her wallet laa... :P) and the above conversation was the result of waiting for her boyfriend to finish work.
so started off with her nails. we went to bugis village level 3 to get it done. it took about 1 and a half hours. i chose the color while she chose the design. i must admit all the flower designs that they have looks sooo cute!! too bad tricia doesn't like flowers on her nails...
after her nails, we went to do her eyelashes, this time at level 1... after almost an hour of sticking fake lashes, she ended up looking more womanly. and when she started battling her eyes, only 1 word came out of my mind: cute seductress. luckily i'm a straight woman. if not i'll definitely fall in love with you. ;D
then after that we headed to far east plaza to do her eyebrows and hair since there's none available at bugis that satisfy her. eyebrow trimming only takes aout 10 minutes and then when to another shop to do her extensions, which took about another 1 and a half hours... or is 2?? didn't really look at the time laa... and after the session, she ended up with longer hair that touches her butt, with 3 streaks of pink hair at the sides.
after she has satisfied her needs, we went for dinner at ramen ten. i tell u... the food is nice but very spicy sia!!! i had very bad stomach ache this morning due to that... haha.
okie here's the pictures of the "new" tricia. i shall spare u with the processes of the make over cos i was too engrossed watching that i forgot all about taking pictures... oh and no pictures of the food though.. lazy to take laa... :D

nails beautifully done...

eyelashes successfully extended...

streaks of pink hair... i forgot to take her new longer hair... :D

a very happy and satisfiedah lien minah woman...:D
and here's the last conversation we had before her boify came:
me: u realised something?? i'm the one fasting but u are the one doing the make over, as if preparing for some celebration when all u going to do tomorrow is go to work... so who's the one celebating hari raya now??
tricia: oh yaa hor!!! selamat hari raya!!!
me: hahahaaa!!!
tricia: that's why i needed the hair extension!!!
me: -_-
oh yea...!!! yesterday was a blissful day for tricia darl and also an enjoyable day for me!!! tricia decided to spend her money yesterday but not on clothes and such... she decided to do a makeover.. well not really the photo shoot kind... she decided to do manicure and nail art, eyebrow trimming, eyelash and hair extension!!! and i got the honour of being her spectator and commentator as well as her decision maker, paying for her after doing her nails (her money of course. help her take out money from her wallet laa... :P) and the above conversation was the result of waiting for her boyfriend to finish work.
so started off with her nails. we went to bugis village level 3 to get it done. it took about 1 and a half hours. i chose the color while she chose the design. i must admit all the flower designs that they have looks sooo cute!! too bad tricia doesn't like flowers on her nails...
after her nails, we went to do her eyelashes, this time at level 1... after almost an hour of sticking fake lashes, she ended up looking more womanly. and when she started battling her eyes, only 1 word came out of my mind: cute seductress. luckily i'm a straight woman. if not i'll definitely fall in love with you. ;D
then after that we headed to far east plaza to do her eyebrows and hair since there's none available at bugis that satisfy her. eyebrow trimming only takes aout 10 minutes and then when to another shop to do her extensions, which took about another 1 and a half hours... or is 2?? didn't really look at the time laa... and after the session, she ended up with longer hair that touches her butt, with 3 streaks of pink hair at the sides.
after she has satisfied her needs, we went for dinner at ramen ten. i tell u... the food is nice but very spicy sia!!! i had very bad stomach ache this morning due to that... haha.
okie here's the pictures of the "new" tricia. i shall spare u with the processes of the make over cos i was too engrossed watching that i forgot all about taking pictures... oh and no pictures of the food though.. lazy to take laa... :D

nails beautifully done...

eyelashes successfully extended...

streaks of pink hair... i forgot to take her new longer hair... :D

a very happy and satisfied
and here's the last conversation we had before her boify came:
me: u realised something?? i'm the one fasting but u are the one doing the make over, as if preparing for some celebration when all u going to do tomorrow is go to work... so who's the one celebating hari raya now??
tricia: oh yaa hor!!! selamat hari raya!!!
me: hahahaaa!!!