sometimes i wonder why am i so soft-hearted...

hey people!!! i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccckkkkkkk....!!! as the title says, i've been sick. fever, flu, headache and cough. yea that bad. since tuesday you know!!! i'm still coughing like an ah ma but i miss talking to my bloggie laa...

well i will just cut the story short. i never bathed for the two days i had fever cos i was scared of cold water. i was living in the shelter of my lovely blanket, Mr Blankie for almost 3 days. but i bathed on the 3rd day cos can't stand of the stickiness. haha. then the flu. the reason i had fever is because of the flu. sneeze too much until fever. haha. then after the fever subside, the cough made an appearance. yea i have a very orderly sick bug. cool or what.

oh on the first night i had fever, i suffered headache too cos i didn't sleep well cos my nose is blocked. so i keep tossing and turning in bed cos i can't breathe properly. and here comes another story: i was so desperate to sleep but the ticking of the clock on the wall has suddenly become so bloody loud. it makes my headache worse laa... so what i did to make me fall asleep?? nope i didn't rip that clock off the bloody wall eventhough i seriously had the urge to do so. i decided to listen to songs in my mp3. and guess at what volume?? 7. yup SEVEN. usually i listened at volume 28 the highest and 20 the lowest. but that night 7 is already damn loud laa... haha. i had a shock when i turn it on again the next day. i didn't even realised i turned down the volume that low. just because of a headache, tiny sounds can be so loud and loud sounds can be so tiny. hmmm... oh you know, i just popped two panadol extra on the second day of fever and voila. fever gone. coolness.

oh i did fall asleep that night eventhough its only for 2 hours. haha.

there... my sick experience... its once a year experience, thats why it stretches to almost a week. and i must really thank my Mr BB, my smelly pillow for staying by my side throughout. i walked like a zombie all over the house, hugging Mr BB and trying to find a nice spot to sleep. haha.

the reason why i fall sick?? its because i miss my rasyid darl. haha okie sort of only... actually a stray bug found its way into my strong system. but the real reason is because of the weather. have you noticed the weather lately?? it will be hot in the morning and the next hour it will start to rain and the next hour it will be sunshine all over again. freaky.

and speaking of rasyid, that cuzzie of mine tagged me all the way from selangor, malaysia laa...!!! cool. i miss u man. come back soon okay???

and tricia, i love you loads too. :D

kak su, i will go get my passport when i get well okay?? i still have next week. don't worry my passport won't run away. they only destroy the passport if not collected after 3 months. its only been 2 weeks. relax and don't get too excited laa.

okay before my short story becomes long i better stop now. take care all.



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