can i just bust your windows please??
let me story2 what happened from the 15th of may to today.
15 May, Friday.
went out with kinky dila to bugis to do some SHOPPING!!! haha. she bought some kinky bras, which triggered us to use the word "kinky" throughout the day. the bra wasn't naughty or anything, it just has a very sexy colour. and suddenly she came out with this word and it got stuck in our mind. haha. oh and the lunch was loved!! haha!! and making fun af dila's mini accident was fun too. she was disabled for the day. haha.

kinky dila and kinky uchu. -_-
then at night went to upper pierce reservoir for our "ghost hunting trip". when we halfway entered the place, an auxilary police van warned us that there are plenty of snakes in there and that we shouldn't go in. and i was surprised that the guys actually listened to the man. u see, auxilary police can't detain us even if we trespass the place. but yea, they actually turn back and leave the place. but what i was confused is that the man who talked to us reeked of alcohol. how can an auxilary policeman drive a vehicle in an alcohol-induced state?? but they still leave the place. boring.
so we procede to lower pierce reservoir instead. the trail was super dark and scary laa!! and it was a damn cold night. as usual camera in one hand and torchlight in one hand, walking right at the back. the sound of the insects aand dew drops were really peaceful and nice. really. if the place wasn't so dark, i would have recommend you people to go if you need some destressing moment.
the place was already perfect. but people have to make things boring or difficult. 1st, someone had decided not to join us, although it was that person's idea to go to the reservoir. but i can understand that person's feelings and reasons after reading the blog. 2nd, the "celebrity couple" had to spoil everybody's mood, especially mine, by constantly arguing and pulling long faces at each other. they even wanted to make another "Sembilu" infront of me laa!!! and i told them in a quiet voice : "once is enough eh. i don't want to become your referee again." and they continue their snide comments to each other. but the best part is, they can cotinue to walk hand in hand, she sat on his lap and all that and still continue with the snide comments. like what the hell. i don't know what they were arguing about laa. damn confusing people.
and the climax of the trip?? the celebrity couple decided to leave the place at 2.30 am, citing that he wasn't feeling well. and i was like "thanks laa!!!! u guys got bikes so can easily go home laa!! then how bout us??!!!" damn that celebrity couple. and after 10 minutes they left we left the place also cos i want to weewee urgently. but even if i don't need the toilet i bet u the guys would want to leave the place earlier, cos without the leader, they are handicapped. and so we left the place. then we walked all the way back to 306.
there, i slept for about an half an hour while the guys talk cock. and then at 6am i went home, leaving them to talk more cock. -_- then i reached home, bathed then helped my mum cut her kuih. yes she told me last minute. and of course i mengamuk laa. but i still helped though. haha. then i slept for an hour, before i get ready for work.

in the middle of the road...
16 May Saturday
i told everybody at work that i didn't get enough sleep today. and they asked about our trip, since they already know about it from monster. and that monster was off today so i was to be the storyteller for them. -_-
and i sleepwalked the whole day at work. i don't know how i managed to do shelving and shelf reading in my sleepwalking state. and the people had to constantly ask ME about how to find this book or that book. its like i am the only staff there. i am already so sleepy and they had to make me think some more.
and my plan was to go home straight after work. but someone had to surprise me with a story. actually many stories. =) and i tahan my eyes for a few more hours. and when i finally reached home, i immediately collapse on my bed, with jeans and tshirt. haha.
17 May, Sunday
still not enough sleep. so i sleepwalk at work again. they ask me, "eh why you so quiet?? usually you would sing and make noise.." and i replied "not enough sleep laa.. i must get at least 10 hours of sleep you know.." and they laugh at me. -_-
i reached early so i sat at my corner to stone. oh i have a special corner for me to sit. everytime i sit at my corner, colleagues will laugh at me, asking me why i sit on the floor. and i replied "sit on the floor more comfortable what!!!" and they tsk me. -_-
once i reached home, i managed to change before i sleep. haha.
18 May, Monday
enough sleep finally!!! and when i reached work i greeted everybody so semangatly. and anna said "wah. enough sleep today ar you?? how many hours did you sleep yesterday??"
and i said 10 hours. haha. and so i sang and joked to them today. haha.
and then after work had another night walk at lower pierce reservoir. and this time i was scared. haha. and i got cheated. the other day when we walked to ang mo kio from the reservoir, we actually walked the long way. there is actually a short cut to bishan park. there is also a straight and short way back to my place. tsk. i complain all the way to ang mo kio laa!! i feel so so cheated. tsk.
and the story telling session left me confused, as usual. and i seriously feel like killing the people involved. haha.

at lower pierce, the part which we didn't go to previously. =)
and reached home at 6 am and i woke up at 6pm. haha. and soon i will be sleeping again cos tomorrow morning shift. hoho!!
i will take a pic of my corner at work and show you guys the next time k. haha.
so i will see you when i see you again.
15 May, Friday.
went out with kinky dila to bugis to do some SHOPPING!!! haha. she bought some kinky bras, which triggered us to use the word "kinky" throughout the day. the bra wasn't naughty or anything, it just has a very sexy colour. and suddenly she came out with this word and it got stuck in our mind. haha. oh and the lunch was loved!! haha!! and making fun af dila's mini accident was fun too. she was disabled for the day. haha.
kinky dila and kinky uchu. -_-
then at night went to upper pierce reservoir for our "ghost hunting trip". when we halfway entered the place, an auxilary police van warned us that there are plenty of snakes in there and that we shouldn't go in. and i was surprised that the guys actually listened to the man. u see, auxilary police can't detain us even if we trespass the place. but yea, they actually turn back and leave the place. but what i was confused is that the man who talked to us reeked of alcohol. how can an auxilary policeman drive a vehicle in an alcohol-induced state?? but they still leave the place. boring.
so we procede to lower pierce reservoir instead. the trail was super dark and scary laa!! and it was a damn cold night. as usual camera in one hand and torchlight in one hand, walking right at the back. the sound of the insects aand dew drops were really peaceful and nice. really. if the place wasn't so dark, i would have recommend you people to go if you need some destressing moment.
the place was already perfect. but people have to make things boring or difficult. 1st, someone had decided not to join us, although it was that person's idea to go to the reservoir. but i can understand that person's feelings and reasons after reading the blog. 2nd, the "celebrity couple" had to spoil everybody's mood, especially mine, by constantly arguing and pulling long faces at each other. they even wanted to make another "Sembilu" infront of me laa!!! and i told them in a quiet voice : "once is enough eh. i don't want to become your referee again." and they continue their snide comments to each other. but the best part is, they can cotinue to walk hand in hand, she sat on his lap and all that and still continue with the snide comments. like what the hell. i don't know what they were arguing about laa. damn confusing people.
and the climax of the trip?? the celebrity couple decided to leave the place at 2.30 am, citing that he wasn't feeling well. and i was like "thanks laa!!!! u guys got bikes so can easily go home laa!! then how bout us??!!!" damn that celebrity couple. and after 10 minutes they left we left the place also cos i want to weewee urgently. but even if i don't need the toilet i bet u the guys would want to leave the place earlier, cos without the leader, they are handicapped. and so we left the place. then we walked all the way back to 306.
there, i slept for about an half an hour while the guys talk cock. and then at 6am i went home, leaving them to talk more cock. -_- then i reached home, bathed then helped my mum cut her kuih. yes she told me last minute. and of course i mengamuk laa. but i still helped though. haha. then i slept for an hour, before i get ready for work.
in the middle of the road...
16 May Saturday
i told everybody at work that i didn't get enough sleep today. and they asked about our trip, since they already know about it from monster. and that monster was off today so i was to be the storyteller for them. -_-
and i sleepwalked the whole day at work. i don't know how i managed to do shelving and shelf reading in my sleepwalking state. and the people had to constantly ask ME about how to find this book or that book. its like i am the only staff there. i am already so sleepy and they had to make me think some more.
and my plan was to go home straight after work. but someone had to surprise me with a story. actually many stories. =) and i tahan my eyes for a few more hours. and when i finally reached home, i immediately collapse on my bed, with jeans and tshirt. haha.
17 May, Sunday
still not enough sleep. so i sleepwalk at work again. they ask me, "eh why you so quiet?? usually you would sing and make noise.." and i replied "not enough sleep laa.. i must get at least 10 hours of sleep you know.." and they laugh at me. -_-
i reached early so i sat at my corner to stone. oh i have a special corner for me to sit. everytime i sit at my corner, colleagues will laugh at me, asking me why i sit on the floor. and i replied "sit on the floor more comfortable what!!!" and they tsk me. -_-
once i reached home, i managed to change before i sleep. haha.
18 May, Monday
enough sleep finally!!! and when i reached work i greeted everybody so semangatly. and anna said "wah. enough sleep today ar you?? how many hours did you sleep yesterday??"
and i said 10 hours. haha. and so i sang and joked to them today. haha.
and then after work had another night walk at lower pierce reservoir. and this time i was scared. haha. and i got cheated. the other day when we walked to ang mo kio from the reservoir, we actually walked the long way. there is actually a short cut to bishan park. there is also a straight and short way back to my place. tsk. i complain all the way to ang mo kio laa!! i feel so so cheated. tsk.
and the story telling session left me confused, as usual. and i seriously feel like killing the people involved. haha.
at lower pierce, the part which we didn't go to previously. =)
and reached home at 6 am and i woke up at 6pm. haha. and soon i will be sleeping again cos tomorrow morning shift. hoho!!
i will take a pic of my corner at work and show you guys the next time k. haha.
so i will see you when i see you again.