updates of my life.
hello!!! sorry for the lack of updates. i got 4 reasons for that. 1) been tired. 2) Liyanah has started school and she doesn't let me use her laptop. only she can use and make the bill go up. 3) too busy entertaining my baby brother. 4) lazy. and today the owner (Liyanah) is asleep (time check ) so i can use laa. haha.
okay so the lst time i wrote, i stopped at telling you guys that i will be going out with my girls on the 3rd of july. which girls?? the NYP babes that is!!! pixies courtesy of ain. she editted them. =) although we met after syahirah knock off from work, we still had fun. and i'm sure their boyfriends have a good time making fun of me too. pft.

and then on saturday had a short meeting with dila and fat syahril. i had an embaressing moment which i shall not go in detail. =) and i saw someone who look like my cousin. but i don't know whether its him or not cos i was too flustered. haha. okay the main idea was to go see fire works. but dila got engrossed in La Senza shop that we forgot the time. and i gave fat syahril some ideas on what to buy for his girlfriend. haha. and in the end we end up spending the time looking for fat syahril's AXS machine and when we were tired we sat by the wheel and gossip. haha. best laa gossip gossip!! =)

then back to work on sunday til tuesday. afternoon shift some more. nothing interesting happened. or maybe i have forgotten. haha. go ask my tweet if you wanna know kays?? =)
then on wednesday is karaoke day!!! with dila and fat syahril. like finally!!! but not after mum made me look after baby brother while she go rounding rounding at AMK central. -_- we had so much fun til time got jealous of us and spin its mechanics faster then normal. 3 hours felt like 1 hour laa!!! but we didn't extend the hour cos it was already late and all of us working the next day. so yea... only 3 hours. the funny part is where i sang the last song. she's gone laa... it made the receptionist came peeping in our room. haha!! and fat syahril got jealous when i could sing aerosmith's i don't wanna miss a thing and he couldn't. haha. it was satisfying laa!! more karaoke session please!! =)

see our faces while we sing?? haha!! all sing with feelings okay!! don't play play hor!! =) oh oh oh!! i bumped into Yi chuan at centrepoint!! he just ORD-ed and he's already schooling. Kaplan school taking tourism. gosh. and my darling is also starting school soon. i wonder what happened to my NYP dudes. from my calculation most of them should have ORD-ed already. hmm... maybe i should send a mass sms, asking whether they are still alive or not. haha.
and then thursday morning shift damn tiring. not enough sleep cos the day before dance too much already. haha. but monster off. so cannot make her jealous. haha. nothing special happened except got to bully my baby brother. haha.
then today got fire drill practice. only for the staffs. all i can say is: merepek laa!! all kanchiong for no reason. if there is a real fire i don't know what will happen. this is what happen when there are too many makcik makcik around. haha. and i was in a foul mood cos the bus is super packed this morning and its late and i only get to sit after KK hospital. and that is about 20 minutes journey. usually i would already be sitted by the 3rd stop laa!!! stoopid school kids. i seriously think they shouldn't have taken the public bus. the parents should arrange for the school bus. its not they can't afford it. Marymount convent girls mostly have rich parents. so why waste the space of public buses?? nuisance.
but just when i don't have the mood to talk to people, people will come and talk to me. and when i'm in a talkative mood, nobody wants to listen to me. tsk.
and thats the end of my post. haha. will be back when the laptop is free from its owner. haha. more pictures will be up on my multiply: http://sleepingputri.multiply.com/
okay see you when i see you.
okay so the lst time i wrote, i stopped at telling you guys that i will be going out with my girls on the 3rd of july. which girls?? the NYP babes that is!!! pixies courtesy of ain. she editted them. =) although we met after syahirah knock off from work, we still had fun. and i'm sure their boyfriends have a good time making fun of me too. pft.

and then on saturday had a short meeting with dila and fat syahril. i had an embaressing moment which i shall not go in detail. =) and i saw someone who look like my cousin. but i don't know whether its him or not cos i was too flustered. haha. okay the main idea was to go see fire works. but dila got engrossed in La Senza shop that we forgot the time. and i gave fat syahril some ideas on what to buy for his girlfriend. haha. and in the end we end up spending the time looking for fat syahril's AXS machine and when we were tired we sat by the wheel and gossip. haha. best laa gossip gossip!! =)

then back to work on sunday til tuesday. afternoon shift some more. nothing interesting happened. or maybe i have forgotten. haha. go ask my tweet if you wanna know kays?? =)
then on wednesday is karaoke day!!! with dila and fat syahril. like finally!!! but not after mum made me look after baby brother while she go rounding rounding at AMK central. -_- we had so much fun til time got jealous of us and spin its mechanics faster then normal. 3 hours felt like 1 hour laa!!! but we didn't extend the hour cos it was already late and all of us working the next day. so yea... only 3 hours. the funny part is where i sang the last song. she's gone laa... it made the receptionist came peeping in our room. haha!! and fat syahril got jealous when i could sing aerosmith's i don't wanna miss a thing and he couldn't. haha. it was satisfying laa!! more karaoke session please!! =)
see our faces while we sing?? haha!! all sing with feelings okay!! don't play play hor!! =) oh oh oh!! i bumped into Yi chuan at centrepoint!! he just ORD-ed and he's already schooling. Kaplan school taking tourism. gosh. and my darling is also starting school soon. i wonder what happened to my NYP dudes. from my calculation most of them should have ORD-ed already. hmm... maybe i should send a mass sms, asking whether they are still alive or not. haha.
and then thursday morning shift damn tiring. not enough sleep cos the day before dance too much already. haha. but monster off. so cannot make her jealous. haha. nothing special happened except got to bully my baby brother. haha.
then today got fire drill practice. only for the staffs. all i can say is: merepek laa!! all kanchiong for no reason. if there is a real fire i don't know what will happen. this is what happen when there are too many makcik makcik around. haha. and i was in a foul mood cos the bus is super packed this morning and its late and i only get to sit after KK hospital. and that is about 20 minutes journey. usually i would already be sitted by the 3rd stop laa!!! stoopid school kids. i seriously think they shouldn't have taken the public bus. the parents should arrange for the school bus. its not they can't afford it. Marymount convent girls mostly have rich parents. so why waste the space of public buses?? nuisance.
but just when i don't have the mood to talk to people, people will come and talk to me. and when i'm in a talkative mood, nobody wants to listen to me. tsk.
and thats the end of my post. haha. will be back when the laptop is free from its owner. haha. more pictures will be up on my multiply: http://sleepingputri.multiply.com/
okay see you when i see you.