can all the annoying people please get the hell off my ass??!!
okay so its been like what, 3 weeks since abang mas suryadi became kak su's husband? yea time goes by VERY fast indeed. so here's the couple in the baju i like best. haha.

pictures will be uploaded to my multiply when i'm not lazy. alternatively u can go to Rasyid's or my sis blog or our facebook. YES me and sis like FINALLY have a facebook account.
okay next. whats up with people who OWE ME MONEY scared to meet me face to face?? do i look like a loanshark??? i was so pissed off when this annoying moron turned his back the moment he saw me. oh he OWE ME 100 bucks by the way. i was like WTF??!! fucking toot idiotic bloody asshole!! just what the hell is wrong in just come up and say hi to me and tell me that you can't pay me back at the moment?? i won't cut off ur pinkie or gorge your eyeball or cut off your manhood you know!! instead of being a gentleman, you acted like a coward. oh yes i saw you alright. don't think i was blind at that moment. moron. haiz. damn disappointed. and thanks for spoiling my day. AND YOU STILL OWE ME THAT 100 BUCKS.
and his slutty girlfriend is no better. whats up with her telling people that i'm dead?? and whats up with her telling people that i have changed?? well fucking slut, i'm sorry to disappoint you. I AM STILL ALIVE AND I HAVE NOT CHANGED. well except for my hairstyle. but anyways, can you PLEASE look at the mirror before you say anything about other people?? don't you think you are the most good looking woman in the world. well sorry to say, to me, you look like a slutty witch. with all that poses, i think you are better off being a pornstar. huh. and please. YOU are the one that has changed. not me. huh. and oh, please tell your bloody coward boyfriend to clean up the mess that he has done.
and that nyonya mondok is pissing me off practically everyday. i think menopause is around the corner for her. annoying.
and another kambing is irritating the shit out of me. i regret doing what i did back then. eesh. now i have to bear the consequences. that is, entertaining weird annoying kambings.
my baby brother has left for good. sadded. i miss him so much laa!!!
so yea these past few weeks annoying people have been popping out of nowhere and making my wrinkles pop out prematurely. oh whatever that means. and due to all that excessive anger, i ate alot. mostly on macD and KFC. and now i am officially overweight. next month diet ar!!!
and i'm seriously thinking of joining that someone to become a sadist. kill all these annoying people!!!!
oh oh oh!!! i cant wait for the 26th!!!! so exciting!!! =)
okay i'm tired i need to sleep. i'm missing alot of people but i just cant seem to find the time. haiz.
okay see you when i see you.
pictures will be uploaded to my multiply when i'm not lazy. alternatively u can go to Rasyid's or my sis blog or our facebook. YES me and sis like FINALLY have a facebook account.
okay next. whats up with people who OWE ME MONEY scared to meet me face to face?? do i look like a loanshark??? i was so pissed off when this annoying moron turned his back the moment he saw me. oh he OWE ME 100 bucks by the way. i was like WTF??!! fucking toot idiotic bloody asshole!! just what the hell is wrong in just come up and say hi to me and tell me that you can't pay me back at the moment?? i won't cut off ur pinkie or gorge your eyeball or cut off your manhood you know!! instead of being a gentleman, you acted like a coward. oh yes i saw you alright. don't think i was blind at that moment. moron. haiz. damn disappointed. and thanks for spoiling my day. AND YOU STILL OWE ME THAT 100 BUCKS.
and his slutty girlfriend is no better. whats up with her telling people that i'm dead?? and whats up with her telling people that i have changed?? well fucking slut, i'm sorry to disappoint you. I AM STILL ALIVE AND I HAVE NOT CHANGED. well except for my hairstyle. but anyways, can you PLEASE look at the mirror before you say anything about other people?? don't you think you are the most good looking woman in the world. well sorry to say, to me, you look like a slutty witch. with all that poses, i think you are better off being a pornstar. huh. and please. YOU are the one that has changed. not me. huh. and oh, please tell your bloody coward boyfriend to clean up the mess that he has done.
and that nyonya mondok is pissing me off practically everyday. i think menopause is around the corner for her. annoying.
and another kambing is irritating the shit out of me. i regret doing what i did back then. eesh. now i have to bear the consequences. that is, entertaining weird annoying kambings.
my baby brother has left for good. sadded. i miss him so much laa!!!
so yea these past few weeks annoying people have been popping out of nowhere and making my wrinkles pop out prematurely. oh whatever that means. and due to all that excessive anger, i ate alot. mostly on macD and KFC. and now i am officially overweight. next month diet ar!!!
and i'm seriously thinking of joining that someone to become a sadist. kill all these annoying people!!!!
oh oh oh!!! i cant wait for the 26th!!!! so exciting!!! =)
okay i'm tired i need to sleep. i'm missing alot of people but i just cant seem to find the time. haiz.
okay see you when i see you.