4 more days...

yay!!!! today is thursday...!!! 4 more days to go before my IAP ends... woohoo!!!

okie... today eric is on mc for the 2nd time... and he left me a very dirrty job... that is to make phone calls... I HATE TO MAKE PHONE CALLS!!!! haiyah... but got no choice... and now im all alone... handling the assignments, answer phonecalls AND running to the photocopier to make copies for those irritating students...wow i am good at multi-tasking ...haha!!!

regarding my word of the month... evil has a new name and that is human beings... they just don't think of other people's feelings before doing something... they don't care whether they will hurt other people's felings or not... they just do whatever they want or say as long as THEY are happy... bullshit... idiot... just hope that they will fall, die and rot in a drain...(im TRYING to be evil here... =>)

okie gtg now... will update some other time...



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