
being emo and feeling emo is definitely not fun at all...
i repeat NOT FUN AT ALL...
especially when the time of the month is coming...
i'm an emotional wreck i tell u... now then i know... =(
even the smallest and lamest thing can make my eyes teary...
damn... blame it on those uncotrollable hormones...
and not forgeting the non-stop eating and cravings...
i'm gonna be fat like a hippopotamus if this continues EVERYDAY...
luckily it is only for a period of time... PHEW...

i'm still craving for strawberry sundae...
i'm still craving for a glass of damn cold coke...
i'm still craving for don't know what else...
i just wanna eat... =(

oh ya... i found out 2 weird things, or should i say happenings, or whatever it is... here it is:
everytime i cut my fringe it will automatically change the parting of my fringe too... so as to say if my current fringe is on the left, when i cut it, it will automatically change to the right after i wash my hair and vice versa... weird rite... and the worse part is everytime i styled my fringe nice nice already, when i go out, the wind will blow from where my fringe is... so as to say again, if my fringe is on the left, the wind will come from my left side also and blow it and make it all messy and vice versa... FUN rite like this... haha...

another weird thing is that i notice that no guy will ever sit next to me in the bus... be it young or old... nobody dares to sit beside me... even if there is a guy sit next to me it will only be for a short while, like 3 to 4 stops... if not the guy will change sit if there's one available for him... do i look like a monster or what?? only ladies,young and old will sit next to me and usually for long distances... i notice this only in bus rides cos i only care to find a sit when i take a bus... i prefer to stand when i take the train so i dun know if this thing apply to my train rides as well...
haiz... what is wrong with people these days... i'm innocent okie...

okie done crapping...its rather long huh...haha...

do watch out for my 100th post, which is the next post, which is gonna be a bit special i guess, which is i don't know when... haha... just do watch out okie... =)


take care everybody...



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