morning sms that disturbed my sleep.

did i tell you i have a new addiction?? that is to make faces at small kids. any kid will do. as long as they cross my path, i have this sudden urge to just make a monkey face at them. why?? i don't know. maybe i'm tired of getting stares whenever i smile at kids. so a monkey face would send them crying. so far non started crying. i got stares, as usual. -_- i just don't get it. why do they like to stare at me?? i look like some cartoon character ar??

and yesterday some of my past memories came flooding my mind. and tears actually flooded my eyes. mind u i was in public area laa!! ish. i don't know why i have to cry. hmm... but luckily the tears didn't drop out of my eyes. i ordered them to go back inside. save it for some other day, some other place. haha. but seriously, when you have an hour doing nothing but seeing the scenery, anything will come to your mind. tsk.

and someone say my blog is interesting. -_-" i seriously thing something is wrong with these people. they are either turning psychotic (i think someone already is psychotic) or erratic or just plain crazy. i have been minding my own business you know. but people have been coming up to me to tell me stories that i obviously chose not to know, but somehow, have got to do with me. so can you blame me if i decided NOT to mind my own business?? its not that i LOVED to mind other people's business. its very tiring you know. but somehow, people pull me into their business. so don't tell me to mind my own business when in the 1st place, you pulled me into your business.

stupid mindless monkeys. go just jump around in your absurd outfits okay??

till then.



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