belated High School Musical the ice tour pixies!!!
5th to 10th august at Singapore Expo hall 2... damn far i tell u... but its all worth it!!! here goes pictures galore!!!!

this is vinicius, or vini for short. my partner for 6 days. yes... i know... i ALWAYS
get the hot guys... i know... i'm one lucky bitch... nyahahahahhaaaa!!! he's from brazil by the way... and he reminds me of my cuzzie, Rasyid darl... :D

this is miki, my sis partner. he's from Hungary and he reminds me of the Big Show... ask a WWE fan if u have no idea who the hell is Big Show... :D

thats me with vini and juanito, the program guy... he's another GORGEOUS guy from spain... :D i know... i'm just freaking lucky... hahahahaaaa!!!

this is the candy floss guy... i forgot what's his name... :D

this is the popcorn guy, Ray... he has a very nasal voice and he's quite eccentric... haha..

the one in brown is celeste, the lady in charge of money for the food table. and the cute girl is aisha, the small girl with big appetite. you will die of shock if u see the amount of food she eats in ONE day... and she never fails to make me laugh... :D

the one in the middle is sara, the lady in charge of taking pictures of kids with cardboard troy and gabriella... she's one cool lady laa... she actually prints 13 pictures for the 13 of us when we take pictures with those fake actors, for FREE!!! mind u, one picture cost 25 bucks okay!! imagine if she charged us... unlike the people from the previous shows, only gave us ONE picture and expect us to share that one miserable piece of photograph among 10 people....

ladies in the hall... these are the old timers by the way... except for my sis... its only her second show...

with my cousin, the REALLY old timer... she has been working as a food table girl for SEVEN years u know!!!! hahahahahahaaa!!! so obviously she's the one introduced me the job... :D

we posing with the fake troy bolton and gabriella montez...

the popcorn, the candy floss and the snow boys being sick with gabriella and troy... the one with V sign on gabriella is my brother... yes i know... sick...

i absolutely LUUUURRVVEE this pic!!! its the giant and walking slurpee and big gulp!!! they were promoting something at 7-11... and i only got to take pictures with them after 4 days of working... luckily they were there throughout the week... i have been DYING to take pictures with them laaa!!! :D

this is rafie and ridhuan... i ask them to smile and they gave me that... -_- anyways, they did not become the candy floss boys this time becouse they got reggaeton hair... so they become the backstage guys intead and got that black polo shirt that i've been eyeing ever sine i started on this job 4 years ago... at the end of the last show, they gave up their shirt to me and my sis cos my sis had pestered them for the shirt too... i was like,"u give it to me??? reeeaaallly???!!!"
and rafie was like "ya laa!!! i thought u want it????" i was shocked because he said he wants the shirt too... so yea... I FINALLY GOT A BLACK POLO SHIRT WITH THE LOGO BEHIND!!! i even slept through the night with that shirt even though rafie obviously had sweated on that shirt earlier on... haha!!

this is the last pic taken for the day... everybody has left and i think its around 12.30 am... left with tose peeps in the pic... the hot spanish and brazilian and mat salehs are sweating their ass off packing the stuffs into containers while the ladies had to look after the things at the hall... we stayed back awhile and gossiped with celeste and sara... and they told us alot of stories... we finally left when some asshole deliberately switched off all the lights... haha..

oh!!! i received a $500 brunei bill from a customer on my 3rd day working... she bought merchandises worth about $100 ++ and gave me such a big bill... i was shocked laa!!! i got no choice but to accept cos vini was busy doing something else... i took pictures of it cos its very rare to see and hold such a huge amount of bill... :D
so yea... there are more pics taken... you can go to for more pixes... :D

this is vinicius, or vini for short. my partner for 6 days. yes... i know... i ALWAYS
get the hot guys... i know... i'm one lucky bitch... nyahahahahhaaaa!!! he's from brazil by the way... and he reminds me of my cuzzie, Rasyid darl... :D

this is miki, my sis partner. he's from Hungary and he reminds me of the Big Show... ask a WWE fan if u have no idea who the hell is Big Show... :D

thats me with vini and juanito, the program guy... he's another GORGEOUS guy from spain... :D i know... i'm just freaking lucky... hahahahaaaa!!!

this is the candy floss guy... i forgot what's his name... :D

this is the popcorn guy, Ray... he has a very nasal voice and he's quite eccentric... haha..

the one in brown is celeste, the lady in charge of money for the food table. and the cute girl is aisha, the small girl with big appetite. you will die of shock if u see the amount of food she eats in ONE day... and she never fails to make me laugh... :D

the one in the middle is sara, the lady in charge of taking pictures of kids with cardboard troy and gabriella... she's one cool lady laa... she actually prints 13 pictures for the 13 of us when we take pictures with those fake actors, for FREE!!! mind u, one picture cost 25 bucks okay!! imagine if she charged us... unlike the people from the previous shows, only gave us ONE picture and expect us to share that one miserable piece of photograph among 10 people....

ladies in the hall... these are the old timers by the way... except for my sis... its only her second show...

with my cousin, the REALLY old timer... she has been working as a food table girl for SEVEN years u know!!!! hahahahahahaaa!!! so obviously she's the one introduced me the job... :D

we posing with the fake troy bolton and gabriella montez...

the popcorn, the candy floss and the snow boys being sick with gabriella and troy... the one with V sign on gabriella is my brother... yes i know... sick...

i absolutely LUUUURRVVEE this pic!!! its the giant and walking slurpee and big gulp!!! they were promoting something at 7-11... and i only got to take pictures with them after 4 days of working... luckily they were there throughout the week... i have been DYING to take pictures with them laaa!!! :D

this is rafie and ridhuan... i ask them to smile and they gave me that... -_- anyways, they did not become the candy floss boys this time becouse they got reggaeton hair... so they become the backstage guys intead and got that black polo shirt that i've been eyeing ever sine i started on this job 4 years ago... at the end of the last show, they gave up their shirt to me and my sis cos my sis had pestered them for the shirt too... i was like,"u give it to me??? reeeaaallly???!!!"
and rafie was like "ya laa!!! i thought u want it????" i was shocked because he said he wants the shirt too... so yea... I FINALLY GOT A BLACK POLO SHIRT WITH THE LOGO BEHIND!!! i even slept through the night with that shirt even though rafie obviously had sweated on that shirt earlier on... haha!!

this is the last pic taken for the day... everybody has left and i think its around 12.30 am... left with tose peeps in the pic... the hot spanish and brazilian and mat salehs are sweating their ass off packing the stuffs into containers while the ladies had to look after the things at the hall... we stayed back awhile and gossiped with celeste and sara... and they told us alot of stories... we finally left when some asshole deliberately switched off all the lights... haha..

oh!!! i received a $500 brunei bill from a customer on my 3rd day working... she bought merchandises worth about $100 ++ and gave me such a big bill... i was shocked laa!!! i got no choice but to accept cos vini was busy doing something else... i took pictures of it cos its very rare to see and hold such a huge amount of bill... :D
so yea... there are more pics taken... you can go to for more pixes... :D