when you looking like that...
OKAY!!!! let's forget what i said in my last post. too many tortoises to mention so i would rather not mentioned them altogether. instead i shall tell u what i did yesterday. :D
so i met Tricia darl for another shopping day. last sunday was abit flop so we made it up yesterday. and it was a BLAST laa..!! we went to bugis and then to marina square... she bought alot of things while i did my usual job of telling her to buy everything.... so all her purchases were because of me... nyahahahhahaaa!!! okie that was bedek... only some laa... okie stop my crap now and let the pitcha2 do the talking...

that was us after walking around bugis AND marina square from 3pm to 8pm...

FINALLY... i got to rest my feet after 5 hours of walking... :D

we again... (n_n)
and after satisfying her cravings for oysters, we walked to esplanade to kill time... i tell u, its been ages since i've been there and quite alot have changed since then... and for the 1st time ever, esplanade is mats & minah free... tuesday mah... not a single mat or minah sighted, which is FANTASTIC. haha. tricia said the place is perfect for emo-ing... so we emo-ed for awhile before going home...

me "emo-ing"...

tricia "emo-ing"...

we "emo-ing"...
we left at around 11 cos she's meeting people... took train home... :D
so there... 1 whole day of fun with no interruptions... so i'll see u when i see u again...
so i met Tricia darl for another shopping day. last sunday was abit flop so we made it up yesterday. and it was a BLAST laa..!! we went to bugis and then to marina square... she bought alot of things while i did my usual job of telling her to buy everything.... so all her purchases were because of me... nyahahahhahaaa!!! okie that was bedek... only some laa... okie stop my crap now and let the pitcha2 do the talking...

that was us after walking around bugis AND marina square from 3pm to 8pm...
FINALLY... i got to rest my feet after 5 hours of walking... :D
we again... (n_n)
and after satisfying her cravings for oysters, we walked to esplanade to kill time... i tell u, its been ages since i've been there and quite alot have changed since then... and for the 1st time ever, esplanade is mats & minah free... tuesday mah... not a single mat or minah sighted, which is FANTASTIC. haha. tricia said the place is perfect for emo-ing... so we emo-ed for awhile before going home...

me "emo-ing"...

tricia "emo-ing"...

we "emo-ing"...
we left at around 11 cos she's meeting people... took train home... :D
so there... 1 whole day of fun with no interruptions... so i'll see u when i see u again...