moon ooh moon.....
so what have i been doing these past few days?? stay in bed!!! except a "fatal fourway match" on tuesday which i rather not elaborate cos it was a painful experience, and i mean literally. u see, i was having 1st day cramps and my back was aching so much that i almost cried. ya, that bad. so on wednesday i totally zonked out at home, all day in bed like a terminally ill person. but not to worry. i'm still alive.
today i felt better abit although the discomfort still there. but gonna stay in bed and read a book still. haha.
oh i shoo-ed a big, fat lizard with my body spray just now. i can't rush out to take the insecticide cos the door was closed and if i opened it the lizard will run off towards my cupboard and hide behind there forever. so i had to poison it with my body spray instead. i sprayed until it dropped on the floor and escaped through the little gap below the door. i hope it died cos there's just too much of my mum's "grandkids" already. her grandkids including the bloody cockroaches, lots of little ants and of cos the lizards. nope they are not my kids. they are adopted by my mum, or so she says. gross. i know.

i had a little chat with the moon this morning at 6 am. had to visit the toilet and when i came out, saw this lovely sight. so took my phone and snap the lovely full moon. chatted a while only. wished i could chat a while longer...
i guess that's about all. i feel like there's alot to talk about but i forgot what i wanna say. so yea...
akulah tempat engkau mengadu... dan akulah juga yang tertipu...
today i felt better abit although the discomfort still there. but gonna stay in bed and read a book still. haha.
oh i shoo-ed a big, fat lizard with my body spray just now. i can't rush out to take the insecticide cos the door was closed and if i opened it the lizard will run off towards my cupboard and hide behind there forever. so i had to poison it with my body spray instead. i sprayed until it dropped on the floor and escaped through the little gap below the door. i hope it died cos there's just too much of my mum's "grandkids" already. her grandkids including the bloody cockroaches, lots of little ants and of cos the lizards. nope they are not my kids. they are adopted by my mum, or so she says. gross. i know.

i had a little chat with the moon this morning at 6 am. had to visit the toilet and when i came out, saw this lovely sight. so took my phone and snap the lovely full moon. chatted a while only. wished i could chat a while longer...
i guess that's about all. i feel like there's alot to talk about but i forgot what i wanna say. so yea...
akulah tempat engkau mengadu... dan akulah juga yang tertipu...