thunder and lightning and very heavy rain.
ah. happy deepavali to me and all other indians and singhs, including rasyid darl and hafiz the fellow capricorn. haha. it sure doesn't feel like a public holiday to me. and as i am typing this, the sky is turning real dark, getting ready to rain heavily, judging by the darkness. so much for the festival of lights.
anyways i wanna wish BON VOYAGE to rasyid darl cos he's flying off to malaysia for his IAP (industrial attachment programme)tomorrow. all the best to you darl. and please, don't come back with a minah malaysia okay. i don't want a minah malaysia as my cuzzie in law. a mat indon is already enough. (hint: MAS SURYADI)haha.

gonna miss u, even though its only for 6 weeks. :D
okie gonna log out now. theres thunder and lightning and my mum always say never use the pc when there is thunder and lightning. oh there goes the rain...
anyways i wanna wish BON VOYAGE to rasyid darl cos he's flying off to malaysia for his IAP (industrial attachment programme)tomorrow. all the best to you darl. and please, don't come back with a minah malaysia okay. i don't want a minah malaysia as my cuzzie in law. a mat indon is already enough. (hint: MAS SURYADI)haha.

gonna miss u, even though its only for 6 weeks. :D
okie gonna log out now. theres thunder and lightning and my mum always say never use the pc when there is thunder and lightning. oh there goes the rain...