somewhere over the rainbow... way up high...

saw a rainbow again yesterday at 7pm!!!! cool or wat... for the sake of those who missed this phenomenom,[like my cuzzie darl Rasyid] i shall post pics of the rainbow. =P

rainbow on 2nd March 2009, about 7pm

rainbow on 25th February 2009, about 7pm.

the latest wasn't really clear cos i think its fading already. and on the 25th feb, there's actually 2 rainbows, side by side. can u see it? its on the 3rd pic, the 1st rainbow is on top of the more clearer rainbow. its faint on the pic but if u look closely, u can see it. =)

its amazing that rainbows appear in a span of 1 week. usually its so difficult to see a rainbow. hmmm...

okay done.



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