
u know, last monday, on deepavali, there's a movie on the new channel Okto called "Pulau Hantu". i watched the movie and it was damn scary laa. i almost wanted to sleep with my mum that night after the movie. haha. well i'm not really a horror movie fan to start with. i get nightmares easily after watching a horror movie cos i can't forget the ghost's face that easily. but i must say its the 1st local horror movie that really scared the shit out of me. haha.

oh my sis has a new name after she quit being a maria. her new name is CICAK. :D

although original plan was cancelled, i still had fun with the 2 tricias yesterday. :D

oh i just woke up after i fell asleep at 10 am this morning.

now then i know that i have 1001 faces. hmmm...

rasyid darl sms-ed me just now, saying that he's missing singapore and his mum very badly. poor him, surviving in a foreign country alone... just hope that he come home safely 6 weeks later.

listening to tricia darl's story and patricia's advices really made me thinking...




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