how i wish i had the talent to draw....

i have been a prisoner of my own house. all because cicak took away my set of keys. her key to the main door broke and she blamed me when all along her key is already twisted, just like her brain and waiting to be broken. don't ask how that bloody key got twisted and broke. bloody long story. just imagine all alone at home and locked up. tsk.

and because of that, my brain got numb. my hormones gone haywire. damn.

did i tell you my brain is still in trauma due to me being the food table girl during disney live?? last thursday, i dreamt that i was busy serving those customers with candy floss popcorns, at the same time trying to answer the faulty phone on that table. the telephone was magically there, especially for my dream only. and you know why there was a phone in my dream?? cos the real phone in the living room was ringing at the same time i was dreaming of work. after i woke up then i realised why the ringing in my dream is so damn familiar. -_-

its fun being a show spoiler. it has the same effect as poking the runny egg yolk. and i like to do both things especially to cicak, cos she got the best reaction in the world. true classic that eating monster. haha.

to tricia: you can't imagine how much i miss you too. and i miss your chatter as well. its just that i don't show my feelings well. =) meet up soon okay.

thats all.



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