reflect on the day's conversations...

someone asked me, "if you can see the future and you see yourself getting married, would you still marry the guy that you saw in the future?? even if he's bad and all the 1st time u meet him??"

i replied, "of course!!! who wouldn't??" and i became their laughing stock for at least 15 minutes without me having a chance to explain myself... oh wells... its normal... i'm used to be the butt of other peoples' jokes...

so here's the explaination: as you all know, i'm single, with no ex-boyfriend or real dating experience (none that i can recall) even though i'm 21 years old. so to know that i'm getting married to someone is a very good start... knowing that i still will experience boyfriend and dating stuff even though i'm considered a late boomer (note; 21 and still no ex-bf. kids younger than me already have more then 3 you know!!! and some of my age are already married with kids coming soon.).

and also, if its already fate that you will marry the person, even if the person doesn't really leave a good 1st impression, you won't be able to escape the clutches of destiny... why?? because its FATE... right?? if you don't believe in fate and destiny, well then screw you... dumbshit...

so people of the world, thanks for laughing at me... you people really made my day... serious!! no pun intended there.... you people made me even stronger than before.. :D :D



Jemu - May

Jemu masa menyinta
Resah ku meronta
Aku telah sumpah setia
Namun sia

Jemu masa melangkah
Lepas dari dosa
Bangkit aku dari lamunan
Yang engkau kejutkan

Segala pintamu
Cuba ku turutkan
Segala janjiku
Peritku lunaskan
Mudah kau melepaskan
Kau yang menghancurkan
Lerai ikatan
Kau cipta seribu alasan

Yang kudendamkan
Menjadi kemarahan
Kau selindung kesalahanmu
Kau singkap kesalahanku


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