story continued....

actually i got no more mood to tell my story... hahahaha!!! but saturday night/sunday morning shall always be remembered... one of the best days of all the bestest day i had... :D :D

i shall tell u what happened in the toliet while i was bathing when i got home on sunday morning... here goes...

usually i would brush ny teeth1st then i wash my face after i shampoo my hair... after all that then i soap my body... but yesterday morning i decided that after shampooing i would wash my face and soaping... dun ask why.... so i rinsed my face and body at the same time... then i wanted to brush my teeth.... but you know what i did???instead of taking my toothbrush, i take my facial soap, confidently put some on my face and began scrubbing my face AGAIN... i realised i washed my face again after i rinsed my face... cute huh... another sign of dementia for me... hahahahahhahaaaa!!! so i brushed my teeth and rinsed my hair and quickly dried myself and get dressed and blog abit and i quickly get myself to bed... cos i miss my bed and pillow.... hahahaha!!!

then i woke up at 7pm and watched XXX... VIN DIESEL IS DAMN HOT LAAA!!!! can i get a husband like that??? pleeeeeeeessssseee??? :D :D

okie gonna go read a sad book now... i got a date tomorrow!!!!!! yay!!!


p.s. i'm trying not to be a sad and depressed and emo girl and sit in a corner and thinking what have i done to deserve all this... i'm thankful for the memories i had, i'm having and shall have... i shall not be spiteful like i have been... i shall be more matured from now on now that i'm 21... yes its painful for me to admit ALL that... but i'm trying to come to terms with it... slowly i'm trying... :D


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